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Roch: Penn Cut


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It's obvious that they really don't like Penn. Makes you wonder if he's trade bait at some point.

It's obvious that Penn is not very good...

What has Penn shown us since the AFL that tells the FO he is ready to be a MLB pitcher?

We're not down at ST watching him pitch. All we see are stats and reports from the media.

If he can't crack this lineup then you know he's not very good. And I doubt his unfavorable track record with his behavior is holding him back.

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Gallagher is going to be the 5th starter...Burres to the BP.

Albers goes to AAA for now.

One would think they'd want to get him into camp then so they can at least get Ramon and Quiroz some time to become familiar with him. In other words this Roberts trade should be done already...

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I don't mind that he is being sent to Norfolk to start the year but he should have been given more of a shot.

Seriously, he never even got to start any games this spring and most of his outings were limited to one inning a piece. That makes it hard to show what you can do.

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It's obvious that Penn is not very good...

What has Penn shown us since the AFL that tells the FO he is ready to be a MLB pitcher?

We're not down at ST watching him pitch. All we see are stats and reports from the media.

If he can't crack this lineup then you know he's not very good. And I doubt his unfavorable track record with his behavior is holding him back.

His AAA stats show he definitely deserves a shot at being an MLB pitcher, that can't be argued against.

The only justification for sending him down is if they feel he needs more time to come back from the surgery last season. I think this is the case, but he'll be one of the first callups when they need an extra reliever.

Its absurd to say "if he can't crack this lineup then you know he's not very good." That's just a silly statement with no shred of validity to it. He's got a better minor league track record than nearly any other pitcher in our system. He's got the talent, just hasn't put it all together yet for a variety of reasons.

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It's obvious that Penn is not very good...

What has Penn shown us since the AFL that tells the FO he is ready to be a MLB pitcher?

We're not down at ST watching him pitch. All we see are stats and reports from the media.

If he can't crack this lineup then you know he's not very good. And I doubt his unfavorable track record with his behavior is holding him back.

Maybe to you but the rest of the people with any knowledge at all tells you this is an incredibly poor statement.

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Probably, but I wouldn't do it.

I hear what you're saying, but I'd still love to get my hands on one of Wood, Brignac, Lillibridge, Andrus, etc.

I'm not saying that all of those teams (or any for that matter) would be interested in a package of Reimold and Penn, but I'd certainly like to put a package together for one of those players.

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If we're scouting Gallagher, it wouldn't make THAT much of a difference if he was pitching here or there, right? I mean, ideally you'd like him working with Kranitz, but at least he's getting his work in.

I don't know if this cut means anything or not, but I'm surprised he would go so early.

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I hear what you're saying, but I'd still love to get my hands on one of Wood, Brignac, Lillibridge, Andrus, etc.

I'm not saying that all of those teams (or any for that matter) would be interested in a package of Reimold and Penn, but I'd certainly like to put a package together for one of those players.

Oof. I'd rather bide our time with whoever at SS and keep Reimold and Penn. There's way too much potential in those two guys to trade them at this point.

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